I & Fate  - How can "i" overcome "F"ate? 

Throuh the eyes of your chosen character,  you will have an interpretation of a unique story. You will be invited to pay attentions (or not) to elements throughout your journey. 
Accordingly, if you pay attention to them...... then the story line may change....
But will it ultimately change Fate?


We decided to base our story on a real event that happened in Namibia during 2020.

On April 2020, a 21 year old mother of a young child went missing. Following her disappearance, communities rallied together using social media in search of her followed by protestations  to denounce Gender Based Violence, mostly towards Women. After 6 months of her disappearance, her family received an announymous text message informing him that his daughter was buried in a grave kilometres away from the town. He later informed the Namibia Police who went to dig out the remains. Two days later, a couple boyfriend was arrested in connection to that murder.


As a player incarnating three different characters (i1, i2, i3) in one same story, you can be invited to change the fate of each of them (through indices or checkpoints), and in particular the fate of the character we call  'Victime'.
The characters are 'Victime', 'Culprit' and 'Police officer'

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